

我們的家Our Houses


What is a house? A house is a specific physical space, whether a crude and simple shelter or a luxurious mansion. It is a place for living that provides protection from the elements. But, no matter how shut off from the outside world or how isolated a human house is, it is still part of nature. Our "houses" are also suitable living environments for some arthropods and they are not in the least hesitant to make themselves at home.


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害蟲?益蟲?Harmful Arthropods? Beneficial Arthropods?


Think about it. Butterflies, bees, cockroaches, termites. Which are harmful? Which are beneficial? You are sure to quickly come up with an answer. Humans have developed subjective definitions of harmful and beneficial arthropods. William Shakespeare once wrote, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Humans classify animals as "good" or "bad", based on whether they benefit humans or whether the resources they utilize overlap with those utilized by humans. This selfish and egotistical view of arthropods is destroying Nature's delicate balance.


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歡迎光臨Making Themselves at Home


For any arthropod to survive, a suitable environment for growth and reproduction is required. The human house is a more stable living environment than the outdoors and there is an unceasing supply of food. Added to that is unobstructed access, making the house, a happy dwelling place. Humans work to create more comfortable homes and to design ways to keep out arthropods they consider pests. They don't understand that this behavior actually leads to more arthropods adapting to life in their houses.


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蟲與牠們的棲地Arthropods and Their Habitats


In 2016, researchers at North Carolina State University in the US conducted a survey of the diversity of arthropods in 50 US houses. From their results, among 579 total species, each house had an average of more than 100 species. This number seems far beyond our imagination. Taiwan, which is located in subtropical and tropical climate zones, has a humidity level well suited to many arthropods. The number of species in homes in Taiwan most likely surpasses that of the US. But, many go unnoticed. Exactly where do they hide?


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ertone et a.l (2016) 調查 50 間美國家庭中節肢動物之物種多樣性比例圖Species proportional diversity of arthropod orders across all rooms. (Figure modified from Bertone et a.l ., 2016)

誰躲在我家? Who is Hiding in My House?


Different types of foods and environments will attract different species of arthropods. Do you want to know which species are in your house and where? Through regular inspections, monitoring and identification, you can understand these arthropod species, their life histories, habitats, and population changes by season or time. With this knowledge of the diversity of arthropods in your house, potential problems can be avoided and appropriate eradication methods can be carried out if needed.


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特異功能Extraordinary Skills


After a long period of evolution and natural selection, every arthropod species is well able to adapt to its environment. Setting aside any biases toward household arthropods and looking at them from another perspective, such as morphological structures, biology or behavior, you will discover that they have amazing skills. They are examples well worth studying. They are also the best subjects for research and science education. By understanding and observing them in detail, you will develop a whole-new admiration for household arthropods.


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小小蟲子我怕怕Small and Scary Arthropods


Most household arthropods are not harmful. Only a few species can cause physical discomfort, disease or even death to humans. However, many people are disgusted by or fearful of household arthropods. This is mostly due to acquired learning or lack of knowledge. If we don't fully understand why certain arthropods unexpectedly appear, we may directly turn to chemical insecticides. If these do not resolve the problem in the short term, this can lead to panic and even mental distress or illness. If you clearly understand the habits and feeding behaviors of household arthropods, it is possible to develop appropriate methods for reducing their numbers.


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請你麥擱來Dont Come Back Again


When arthropods appear in the home, many people use chemicals as their first resort due to their lack of understanding. This not only impacts on health, but also contaminates the living environment. Moreover, the root of the problem goes unresolved. The best method is to apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concepts. First, understand which arthropods are in your house and the types of environments they prefer. Then, prevent arthropod infestations by improving the environment of your house. Or, eliminate potential food sources to reduce household arthropod numbers. Only in a small number of special circumstances should chemical insecticides be considered.


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如果家裡沒有蟲? What If There Are No Arthropods in My House?


We should start to worry if we don't find any arthropods in our homes. Our homes are part of Nature, thus they are sure to possess environments and food sources attractive to some arthropod species. There are only two possible reasons for there to be no arthropods in a house. The environment of the house is not suited to the survival of arthropods or there are no surviving arthropods outside the house. However, an environment not suited to the survival of arthropods is also not suited to the survival of humans. Therefore, this implies a problem in the environment. Is this the type of environment we hope to have?


愛德華。威爾森 (生物多樣性之父)

If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.

E. O. Wilson (The Father of Biodiversity)

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容忍限制:生物對環境中的每個物理因子,都存在最低與最高容忍範圍,超過此容忍範圍,生物將無法生存。 Tolerance limits:Each species has a range of tolerance for each physical factor in the environment,beyond which the organism cannot survive.