Chemical insecticides are the most common method for preventing or dealing with arthropod infestations. They are also the quickest method, but the one with the most after effects. Therefore, they are not recommended for home use. If necessary, purchase general environmental sanitation agents. No matter if insect repellent or insecticide, all have a certain level of toxicity and must be used with care. It is best to enlist the help of a professional, licensed pest control operator if insecticide is needed. If purchasing on your own, please read the label carefully and follow the instructions.
老舊殺蟲劑海報An old pestcide poster (Kevin Krejci, flicker)ess
基本上,希望家中沒有蟲出現是極為困難的事,因此只能透過事前的防範,和蟲子發生後儘速找出發生原因,並運用綜合害蟲管理(IPM, Integrate Pest Management)觀念,透過害蟲的鑑定、預防、監測與抑制,運用生態概念減少家中物品遭蟲為害的機會,降低各種有毒化學物的不當使用,以減少對人體健康造成的傷害。誠如環境保護署所推廣的概念,只要掌握「不讓蟲來、不給蟲吃、不讓蟲住」的三不政策,及在不得已情況下,以「適時、適地、適量」使用殺蟲劑,就可達到最有效及最省錢的防治效果。
It is very difficult for there to be no arthropods in your home. Therefore, it is recommended that you take precautions and quickly understand the reason(s) why certain arthropods appear. Then, apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concepts. These include pest identification, prevention, monitoring and control. Ecologically friendly concepts can be used to reduce the opportunity for damage to your house and its contents, as well as to decrease the use of toxic substances. Follow the concepts promoted by the Environmental Protection Administration. Do not allow pests to enter, do not provide them with food sources and do not allow them to take up residence in your home. Only as a last resort make timely and appropriate use of insecticides for the most effective and cost saving prevention and eradication of pests.
滅蠅-撲滅蒼蠅的方法(宣傳海報) Methods for eradication of flies (past poster)
如果一個原來蟑螂或螞蟻喜歡吃的食物,卻無法吸引牠們過去取食,這樣的食物你還敢吃嗎? 現代的食物與環境裡到處充斥著各種人工化學物質,如環境中的殺蟲、殺蟎、殺鼠、殺菌等環境衛生用藥,和食物中防腐劑、人造食物添加劑、殘留殺蟲劑等,對環境及人類健康所造成的危害,遠大於蟲對人類帶來的危害。你,選擇哪一個呢?
If a food that is liked by cockroaches or ants is no longer attractive to them, would you dare to eat it? Modern foods and environments are rife with various chemicals. In the environment, these include insecticides, acaricide, rat poison and disinfectants. In foods, these include preservatives, artificial additives and pesticide residues. The harm to the environment and human health caused by these chemicals exceeds the harm caused by arthropods. So, which do you choose?
滅蠅-撲滅蒼蠅的方法(宣傳海報) Methods for eradication of flies (past poster)