會出現在家裡的蟲,95% 以上對人類無害或有益,且在生態環境中達到微妙的平衡。所謂的害蟲,是一個籠統的概念,完全以人類為本位的自私誤導,人類為了消滅害蟲,反而破壞了生態平衡,例如減少了某些所謂的害蟲數量,相對地也增加了其他種類蟲子的數量。每個物種都有其存在之生態意義與重要性,人類應該學習認識這些會出現於居家環境的節肢動物,同時尊重牠們所扮演的角色,若不希望牠們進入家中,也盡量以自然生態方式來減少牠們的存在。
More than 95 percent of arthropods found in homes are neither harmful nor beneficial to humans. The so-called pest is a concept based on the human viewpoint and misunderstanding. In the effort to exterminate pests, humans destroy the ecological balance. For example, by decreasing the numbers of a certain species of arthropod, they increase the numbers of other species. Every species has a purpose for its existence and ecological importance. It is hoped that people will learn about and better understand the arthropod species that inhabit their homes and respect the roles they play. If we do not want them in our homes, we can use natural and ecologically friendly methods to keep them away.
牙刷上的棕帶蟑螂若蟲Brown banded cockroach nymph on a toothbrush
楊桃片上面的螞蟻Ants on a slice of carambolah
People love beautiful things. In addition to bringing great joy, they are a sometimes the result of natural selection. Although there are differences of opinion regarding what is beautiful, most people like to look at handsome men or pretty women, perfectly formed fruits and vegetables and dazzling fireworks displays. Similarly, people are influenced in their attitudes toward arthropods by external appearances. For example, brightly colored butterflies and twinkling fireflies are considered attractive. However, moths, flies, cockroaches and spiders are often looked upon with disdain. Therefore, arthropods, like people, are not treated equally.
磚紅厚甲馬陸Rusty millipede
棕帶蟑螂Brown banded cockroach nymph