想知道家中節肢動物發生問題是否已解決,可持續放置陷阱以了解蟲子的變化情形。透過各種簡單的設施,定期監測家中節肢動物的種類與數量,以評估問題所在,做為防治之參考,減少蟲子帶來的危害。如國立故宮博物館於2011 -2012年在台北全院區周邊以間隔3公尺埋設木樁方式進行每個月的白蟻調查,以了解周遭白蟻出沒種類與每個月木樁被白蟻取食的次數 (楊,2016)。
If you want to know if your home's arthropod infestation has been resolved, continue to place traps. Through different kinds of simple devices you can regularly monitor the species and numbers of arthropods in your house. This will allow you to assess if there is a problem and to take proper action. From 2011 to 2012, the National Palace Museum in Taipei placed stakes at three-meter intervals around its periphery and carried out monthly termite inspections. This provided an understanding of the surrounding termite species and the numbers of times the stakes were fed on by termites per month (Yang, 2016).
2011- 2012 監測故宮院區木樁遭不同種白蟻為害的數量The inspections of the number of stakes infested by different species of termites from 2011 to 2012se
在特定點埋設木樁進行白蟻監測The stake placed at a specific place to monitor termite population
木樁被不同種白蟻蛀食的狀況The damage pattern of the stakes infested by different species of termitesn
Once arthropods have been captured, it is necessary to identify them, to understand their behaviors and life histories. Then, appropriate methods can be used to reduce their numbers. However, arthropod identification is not easy, especially if you hope to identify species. Sometimes, special equipment or analyses are needed. Initial identification can be made using relevant books or online resources. To confirm identification, you can seek help from researchers in the entomology department of universities, entomology institutes, or museums or from employees of professional pest control companies.
四紋豆象是常見儲藏豆類害蟲The cowpea weevil is a common pest of stored beans
如果發現有翅的生殖型白蟻,顯示附近可能有白蟻窩The presence of winged reproductive termites indicates that a colony is nearbyed
尋找蟲蟲跡象:仔細檢視是否有活蟲、皮蛻、死屍、糞便、絲網、巢、取食碎屑、嚙咬痕 跡、遭危害物品、氣味、聲音等。
Look for signs of arthropod activity:Carefully check for any live arthropods, evidence of molting, dead arthropods, frass, webs, nests, traces of food that has been eaten, bite marks, damaged items, odors, sounds, etc.
Pay attention to places arthropods are most likely to appear:Inspect dark or damp places, entrances and passageways, areas near water and heat sources , around items or in areas that are relatively untouched, air conditioning outlet filters and areas where food or clothing is stored.
Pay attention to food sources:Be careful not to provide food sources to arthropods, such as cookies and grains, kitchen scraps and compost, food that has fallen to the ground, dirty dishes and trash, etc.
遭檔案竊蠹蛀食的書The book damaged by Falsogastrallus sauteri
菸甲蟲的屍體與蛀食後的食屑The dead bodies of cigarette beetles and food debris infested by them
廚房具充足水源及食物,適合節肢動物的生存With no shortage of water and food in kitchen, some arthropods love to live in
浴室廁所容易有蛾蚋孳生Drain flies are commonly found in bathrooms
木構件及家具是白蟻喜歡的食物Wooden elements and furniture are termites’ favorite meal
髒亂的垃圾桶是蟲住民們覓食的最佳場所A dirty trash can provide food source and attract arthropod to come