The species and numbers of arthropods in a home are related to the home's geographical location, whether it is in a rural or urban area, the type of home, building materials used, the floor it is on, interior design, surrounding environment, behaviors and habits, level of air tightness, characteristics of the residents, use of ventilation systems and whether there are leaks. So, next time you complain about arthropods in your home, remember their existence is closely related to your actions and habits.
未清理之果皮垃圾常會吸引昆蟲前來取食Uncleaned peel garbage often attracts insects to eat
寵物有時會將寄生蟲帶回家Pets can bring home parasites
Living environments that are suited to humans are also suited to a diversity of arthropods. Many arthropods are tiny. It is easy for them to fit through small cracks or to be brought into the house. They only need a minute amount of space, such as trash cans and food storage containers, and small amounts of food, such as rice grains and mold, to be able to survive. Therefore, it is very difficult to find a home without arthropods.
麥穗為麥蛾食物之一、Wheat ears are one of the foods of Angoumois grain moth
四紋豆象取食綠豆Cowpea seed beetles feed on mung beans