出現於家中的節肢動物很多是我們所陌生的種類,只有少數為大家所關注的「害蟲」。絕大多數節肢動物對人類無害,有些種類是長住於家中,有些則是偶然進入,或受燈光或誘引物吸引而進入家中。事實上,家中節肢動物的存在是一門大學問,與演化生物學、人類學、考古學、工程學、建築設計、都市計畫、環境歷史及政治生態等,都有很大的相關性,值得更進一步去探討 (Martin et al., 2015)。
We are unfamiliar with many of the arthropods that inhabit our houses. There are only a small number of species that people pay attention to as they are considered "pests". Most arthropods are not harmful to humans. Some species stay in houses for the long term, some only occasionally. Sometimes, they are attracted to light. Actually, the existence of arthropods in our houses has relevance to the fields of evolutionary biology, anthropology, archaeology, engineering, architectural design, urban planning, environmental history and ecological politics, and is thus worthy of further study (Martin et al., 2015).
有翅型白蟻常受燈光吸引而飛入家中Winged termites are highly attracted to light and fly into house
雙翅目包括蠅與蚊是家裡出現種類最多的類群The order Diptera, including flies and mosquitoes, has the highest indoor diversity
你知道生活在你家的蟲蟲資訊,也能提供科學家進行重要科學研究嗎? 在臺灣,人們對家中蟲住民的了解非常有限,亟需有人進行資料蒐集與分析,以提供居家節肢動物跟環境相關性的資訊,而公民科學家將會是最大的幫手。公民科學,就是透過民眾主動參與系統性的研究調查與資料蒐集,能在短時間內廣泛累積資訊,提供學者透過這些聚沙成塔的資訊來探討環境因子與生物分布、數量及發生時間等之間的關係,以建立基礎生態資訊,或做為環境變遷證據以及政策擬定之參考。
Do you know that information about arthropods living in your house is valuable? In Taiwan, knowledge about household arthropods is limited. Thus, there is a great need for data collection and analysis, which can best be carried out by partnering with citizen scientists. This means that the general public can actively participate in systematic surveys and collection of data to accumulate large amounts of data in a short period of time. With this data, scientists can probe into the relationships between environmental factors and arthropod distributions, as well as their numbers and occurrence, to build up basic ecological information, provide evidence about environmental changes and suggest appropriate policies and measures.
公民科學家協助蒐集白蟻在臺灣的物種分布資訊Citizen scientists help to gather information on termite species lica)
白蟻的婚飛仍需進一步研究 Termite dispersal flight still need to be further studied