When an unknown or unexpected arthropod is discovered in a home or there are signs on the bodies of its human residents that they have been bitten by or come in contact with arthropods, it may be difficult to remain calm. People may seek advice from the internet or the help of an pest control company, or take matters into their own hands and use insecticides. Although there is much information available on the internet, some of it is incorrect or exaggerated leading to panic. In addition, if the source of the problem is not discovered, residents of the home can suffer the same difficulty over and over, and start to feel helpless. How can arthropods not easily seen by the naked eye bring a grown person to the brink of emotional collapse?
微小的書蝨也可能引發身心疾病Arthropods as tiny as booklice can cause psychological distress
塵蟎常引起人類過敏反應Dust mites often cause allergic reactions in humans(Gilles San Martin , Flickr)
People's impressions of household arthropods usually come from lack of knowledge, or what they have learned or experienced. Different countries and households have differing attitudes toward household arthropods, as well as differing methods for dealing with them. The existence of certain arthropods in the home can be an environmental indicator. It is not necessary to overreact, as humans and arthropods have long coexisted in nature. Although humans attempt to build high walls to keep arthropods out, this is not possible. The best thing to do is to try and change your attitude, and learn how to coexist with them. In this way, you will not feel as much torment from sharing your home with some arthropods.
馬陸遇到危險會蜷曲身體,不會主動攻擊When millipedes are threatened, they curl their bodies. They do not usually attack
只要降低濕氣來源,台灣家白蟻就不會入侵By eliminating moisture sources, subterranean tormites will not be able to invade your house