象起象落 Extinction of Elephants
象骨屋Mammoth Bone Dwellings (Mammoths Huts)
Around 20 thousand years ago, man coexisted with woolly mammoths. Paintings of woolly mammoths can be clearly seen on cave walls. Their curved tusks, high ridge, long hair, and the pointy tip of their trunks were all depicted thoroughly.
Humans build huts with mammoth bones. Different bone parts are used in different ways. Limb bones set up the foundation, ribs make the roof, the hide cover the structure up, and a pair of ivory make up the entrance doorway. Scientists have yet to find out if these bones come from natural deaths or if mammoths were hunted down. It also leads to another question, are humans the cause of their extinction?
Prehistoric humans hunted mammoths out of necessity. They needed food and shelter. Modern humans have completely no reason for needing to hunt elephants. Hence, we need to actively protect and conserve our modern elephants even more.