
NMNS’ Visionary: Han Pao‐Teh


  • 國立自然科學博物館籌備處主任:

  • 國立自然科學博物館第一任館長:


漢寶德先生為山東日照人,生於1934年8月19日,卒於2014年11月20日, 大學考上臺灣省立工學院 (現為國立成功大學) 建築工程系,開啟與建築的緣分, 其後留美取得美國哈佛大學建築碩士及普林斯頓大學藝術碩士。

曾任東海大學建築系主任、漢光建築師事務所主持人、國立中興大學理工學院院長、 國立自然科學博物館籌備處主任及第一任館長、國立自然科學博物館文教基金會董事長、 國立臺南藝術學院籌備處主任及第一任校長、中華民國博物館學會理事長、 國家文化藝術基金會董事長、世界宗教博物館館長、中華民國總統府資政等。

漢寶德先生是引領臺灣現代建築思潮,接軌國際現代建築的重要學者, 畢生奉獻於建築教育,並對臺灣博物館界貢獻良多。其為了普及科學教育, 花了12年半的時間從無到有籌建完成「國立自然科學博物館」,並擔任首任館長, 以創新規劃與深厚學養經營科博館。



  1. 闡明自然科學之原理與現象,啟發社會大眾對科學之關懷與興趣,協助各級學校達成其教育目標,進而為自然科學的長期發展建立基礎。
  2. 收集全國代表性之自然物標本及其相關資料(包括人類學遺物),以供典藏、研究,並為展示及教育之用。

Terms of Office

  • Director, Planning Office of the National Museum of Natural Science: February 1981-February 1987

  • Inaugural Director, National Museum of Natural Science: February 1987-June 1995

Background and Experience

Han Pao-Teh was born in Rizhao City of Shandong Province in China on August 19, 1934. His architectural journey began when he was admitted to the Department of Architecture at Tainan Provincial College of Engineering (present-day National Cheng Kung University). He later pursued advanced studies in the US, earning a Master of Architecture from Harvard University and a Master of Fine Arts from Princeton University. Han passed away on November 20, 2014.

Upon his return to Taiwan, he was invited to chair the Architecture Department at Tunghai University. In addition, he headed the Han Kong Architectural Firm and was appointed dean of the College of Science and Engineering at National Chung Hsing University, and director of the National Museum of Natural Science (NMNS)’s planning office. He served as NMNS’ inaugural director and chaired the NMNS Foundation. Later, Han headed the planning office of the Tainan National University of the Arts and was appointed that university’s first president. His other achievements include chair of the Taiwan Museum Association, director of the National Culture and Arts Foundation, director of the Museum of World Religions, and advisor to the President.

Han was an important scholar who pioneered Taiwan’s modern architectural thinking, bringing it in line with that of international modern architecture. He devoted his life to architectural education and greatly contributed to Taiwan’s museum field. To popularize science education, he spent 12 1/2 years on the planning and construction of NMNS and served as its first director. During that time, he applied innovative planning and professionalism to the management of this museum.

Purposes for Building NMNS

The overall theme for the construction of this museum was Human and Nature. NMNS was built for two purposes:

  1. Elucidate the principles and phenomena of natural science, inspire the public’s concern for and interest in science, and assist schools at all levels to achieve their educational goals, thereby laying the foundation for the long-term development of the natural sciences.
  2. Collect natural specimens representative of Taiwan’s fauna and flora and relevant information (including anthropological relics) for research, exhibition, and educational purposes.