綠貓蛛媽媽在產卵時,會以絲將卵包覆住形成卵囊( 圖中棕色球狀物,直徑約2公分),並且不眠不休地呵護,即使尋找食物也是在一定範圍內,隨時防患並趕走入侵者。幼蛛孵化後會先在卵囊附近的巢絲間遊走,以得到蜘蛛媽媽的保護,直到成長蛻皮後,才隨風飄散,開始獨立新生活。夏末初秋之際,如果在野外林間草叢見到牠們時,可要好好地觀察一番!
In the animal kingdom, females play a dominant role in raising offspring,
from mating to protection. Peucetia
formosensis mothers are no exception.
They create a cocoon for their eggs
using silk-like thread (spherical object of
2 cm in diameter in this image). This
female keeps guard over her young.
Even when foraging, she does not go
far, so that she can quickly drive away
any invaders. Once the spiders hatch,
they stay near the cocoon to continue to
receive their mother’s protection. Once
they have grown and molted, they are
scattered by the wind to start new and
independent lives. If you are in a forest
area in late summer or early fall, you
may have the chance to observe them.
2019.07.13 - 2020.02.16
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