出現奇特景觀的廢棄鹽灘地,必須有形成要件, 如果海水太多,就只是一池水。鹽灘內海水太少,則只見乾涸龜裂,要有適量的海水,加上久旱不雨、日照強,才有出現奇景的可能!廢鹽灘內的海水蒸發後,變成高濃度的滷水,在陽光照射下將整片海水染成紅褐色,與結晶出來的白色鹽岸邊,形成奇特景觀,不規則圖形,形成美麗的構圖。
These images are of an abandoned salt
flat. Several conditions are needed to form
a salt flat. There must be just the right
amount of seawater. If too much, it
becomes a pond. If not enough, it becomes
dry and cracked. Moreover, there must be
strong sunlight and no rain. As the
seawater evaporates, what remains is
highly concentrated brine solution. Under
the sun’s rays, the entire area appears to
have been dyed reddish brown. Salt has
formed along the shore creating this
distinctive landscape and beautiful pattern.
2019.07.13 - 2020.02.16
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