林曉娟:生命樂章(Reproductive Life and Death)



生命樂章(Reproductive Life and Death)


 In the natural world, reproduction is crucial for the survival of species. However, for many insects, mating can be a dangerous activity. On a clear, sunny day, two praying mantises were on a branch. They appeared elegant with their long, slender bodies and gauze-like wings, locked in an intimate embrace. Suddenly, the female, uncaring about the significance of the moment, turned her head and fed on the anterior portion of the male. Although the male has lost his head, his body remains attached to her abdomen to complete the process of reproduction. The male sacrificed himself to provide nutrients for his offspring. Where there is an ending, there is a start. And, where there is death, there is new life.

國 立自然科學博物館


2019.07.13 - 2020.02.16

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