李銘崇:危險遊戲(Dangerous Game)



危險遊戲(Dangerous Game)

灣窗螢的幼蟲在獵捕蝸牛時,若是遇到蝸牛奮力逃離,會以尾部的吸盤攀附在蝸牛殼上,伺機注射麻醉劑 。 這個看似騎馬打仗的遊戲姿勢,其實是蝸牛生死存亡的危險時刻。
生命總是為了存活而努力著! 刻意減弱機頂閃的正面光,加強離閃的側面光,背景變暗,斜對角的構圖,利用翠綠的葉脈、透光的蝸牛殼與窗螢幼蟲的姿態,表現出蝸牛逃離時緊張感。

Larvae of the firefly Pyrocoelia analis feed on snails. If a snail tries to escape, they use a sucking disc to attach to the shell and then inject the snail with anesthetic. This image reminds me of pretending to ride a horse as a child. However, this is no game for the snail. I purposely reduced the front lighting from the built-in flash and enhanced the side lighting. This resulted in dark background. The composition is on the diagonal to make the most of the emerald green leaf veins and allow light to penetrate the snail’s shell and firefly larva, to build on the intensity of the moment.  

國 立自然科學博物館


2019.07.13 - 2020.02.16

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