陳朝宇:河海相映(Contrasting Clouds  and Galaxy)



河海相映(Contrasting Clouds and Galaxy)


Since ancient times, work of God has been a common description for amazing scenes in nature, such as the view of the Milky Way or a sea of clouds. However, the development of science and technology in modern times helps us to understand how and why they look like this. Our solar system is just a small part of the Milky Way. There are still hundreds of billions of shining stars blocked by the interstellar dust in dark regions. A sea of clouds is formed by the accumulation of clouds and vapor on the ground. This phenomenon, when viewed from above, looks very similar to the open ocean. Standing on the top of Mt. Hehuan’s main peak at night, the Milky Way can be seen above with a sea of clouds below, meeting at the skyline, although the stars are light years away from the clouds. .  

國 立自然科學博物館


2019.07.13 - 2020.02.16

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