你曾否被動人心弦的歌曲所感動?身體隨著節奏與拍子自由舞動?音樂、節奏、旋律、人聲及噪音環繞在生活週遭,我們為什麼會在喜樂與感傷之際歌唱起舞?奧妙的基因、身體和大腦是如何體驗聲音和創作樂曲?音樂和聲音如何在社會、文化與傳統產生意義?國立臺灣科學教育館、國立自然科學博物館與來自愛爾蘭都柏林的「科學藝廊」(Science Gallery)跨國交流,結合音樂、聲音藝術與科學教育的互動展品,將帶領歡眾在遊戲與豐富的體驗活動之間,探索音樂與身體的微妙關係。
Have you ever been genuinely moved by a song? Has your body ever moved with the rhythm and the beat? We are surrounded by music, rhythms, melodies, voice, and noise. Why do we sing and dance when we are happy and sad? How do our magical genes, bodies, and brains experience sound and make music? How do music and sound get their social, cultural and traditional meaning?
National Taiwan Science Education Center, National Museum of Natural Science, and the Science Gallery in Dublin, Ireland, present you with this joint exhibition, where interactive installations integrating music, sound art, and science education enable viewers to explore the intricate relation between music and body through games and diverse activities.
展覽資訊Hours and Admissions
- 地點:國立自然科學博物館 第一特展室
- Location: the 1st Exhibition Gallery, NMNS
- 日期:104年7月1日(三)至104年12月1日(二)
- Date: Wednesday, July 1 - Tuesday, December 1, 2015
- 時間:週二至週日9:00-17:00;7月1日至8月30日暑假期間週一正常開館
- Hours: 9am - 5pm, Tuesdays - Sundays; 9am - 5pm, every day (7/1 - 8/30)
- 票價(買一送一):全票 100 元 (一般觀眾);優惠票 80 元 (20人以上團體、科博館家庭卡及恐龍卡卡友、學生、軍警、65-69歲長者、星期三上午10點前入館觀眾、104年7/1-12/1期間持「鼎立三十特展」、本館展示場、植物園、科學中心、太空劇場、立體劇場、921地震教育園區、車籠埔斷層保存園區、鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區、招待券、貴賓券、邀請卡等之觀眾);未滿6歲兒童、70歲以上長者、領有身心障礙證明及其必要之陪伴者1人、交通部觀光局核發之導遊執業證人員等免費。
- Ticket Prices(buy one, get one free): NT$100 for adults; NT$80 for concessionaries (including groups of 20+, Museum members, students, military members, seniors 65+, Wednesday early visitors prior to 10am, and visitors with admissions to the Museum's galleries, Garden, Science Center, Theaters, 3 Parks, or with concessions, invitation cards during the period of 7/1 - 8/30); and free entry for children 6-, seniors 70+, disabled & 1 companion, and guides.
Please note: Valid ID required.