

Home - A Refuge From the Elements

What is a house? A house is a specific physical space, whether a crude and simple shelter or a luxurious mansion. It is a place for living that provides protection from the elements. But, no matter how shut off from the outside world or how isolated a human house is, it is still part of nature. Our "houses" are also suitable living environments for some arthropods and they are not in the least hesitant to make themselves at home.

現代高樓大厦Modern high-rise buildings



Your House? My House?

Humans once lived in caves, where they co-existed with cave-dwelling organisms. Over time, humans learned how to use fire and store food. They began farming and domesticating animals and plants. Dwellings became stable living environments. In 2017, researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK published findings on synanthropic insect species fossils from the Holocene epoch. There are close relationships among the expansion of these insects, climate change and human manipulation of the environment, such as growing of crops and raising of animals, expansion of agriculture, and transmission of infectious diseases.。

史前時代以猛犸象骨骼搭建之房屋 (複製品) Prehistoric mammoth bone house (replica)