(Trifid Nebula, M20 )
M20是夏季銀河中最美麗的發射星雲之一,除了常見的紅色雲氣外(星際塵埃等受激發而發射特定顏色的光譜:主要為紅色來自H-alpha、[NII]、[SII] / 少量藍綠色來自[OIII]、H-beta),背景的淡藍色屬於反射星雲。有了反射星雲陪襯的M20,整體的色調更豐富,在銀河眾多兄弟姊妹中更顯不同。
M20 is one of the most beautiful Emission nebulas in the Milky Way during summer season. Apart from its common red color (the stimulated interplanetary dust has a specific light spectrum: Most of the red is produced from H-alpha, (NII), (SII)/ and a small amount of aquamarine is produced from (OIII), H-beta), the light blue background is part of the reflection nebula. The enhancement of the emission nebula gives the M20 richness in color and makes it stands out among its various counterparts in the Milky Way.
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